Wellness News: Former Winter Olympic Champion Amy Williams is to speak at the launch of a Wellness Festival on Tuesday, February 7, at Walcot House in Bath in the evening.
It is the start of ReBalance Bath, a three week long festival that features, talks, workshops and therapy sessions.
Amy attended Hayesfield School Technology College, Beechen Cliff School and the University of Bathwhich is where she trained for the skeleton before triumphing at the 2010 Canadian Olympics.
These days Amy is a TV presenter best known on Ski Sunday and The Gadget Show – and is also a motivational speaker and now an author.
She will be hosting several of her own events during the festival including a talk at Toppings book shop on her new book Talent to Triumph.
Behind the festival is Bath BID the business organisation that promotes the city centre and its events.
ReBalance runs from February 7th to the 25th and features the seven pillars of wellness: physical, mental, social, financial, spiritual, vocational and environmental.
There are events that include Laughter yoga with The Vitality Studio; Guided meditation and Sound Baths at The Soul Spa; Motivational talks with Bath Rugby Foundation; Cold water therapy at Cleveland Pools; Teen Yoga; Ocean film showings at Komedia; Kintsugi workshop and a Chado Tea Ceremony with Japanese restaurant Robun.
For full details of the events visit https://www.welcometobath.co.uk/rebalance-bath-wellbeing-festival/