Bath Voice Art News: a new exhibition opens at 44AD Artspace at 4 Abbey Street from 27th February

There is a new exhibition at 4 Abbey Street in Bath running from the 27th February to the 5th of March. Protection Exhibition is a collection of works by nine artists.

‘9’ – The Artists Collective state:

We are 9, nine artists who have joined forces to voice
visually our thoughts about our beautiful, dynamic and
troubled world.

Whilst maintaining our individual identities, we pool
resources and knowledge, skills and experience, and
support each other in our creative life.

We aim to share our work through our exhibitions,
which we hope will provoke, challenge and inspire.

Our current exhibition explores the theme of
Protection. It’s a vast subject area that has led us into
politics, belief systems, culture, environment and what
it is to be human. We delve into the past, examine the
now and project into the future.

Our work requests a dialogue with an expanding
audience. We have a powerful voice and want to hear
yours in reponse.

More details at Instagram