Bath News: Five new residents’ parking zones have been installed and are set to go live from Monday February 20

By Harry Mottram: The new residents’ parking zones (RPZs) come into official use from Monday, February 20th, 2023, when residents and their visitors will need a digital permit to park their vehicle there. Dual use and limited waiting bays are also available in some areas, plus residents can purchase digital permit.

For some people the RPZs deprive them of free parking near their home or indeed near the shops or businesses they visit. In some areas of Bath there’s also the nuisance of so called ‘park and stride’ commuters who park and walk into the centre to their place of work – depriving residents of somewhere to park. In short there are winners and losers with some pleased they have been installed and other venting their anger on social media.

  • The five new zones are in the following areas:
  • St John’s Road, St Michael’s Road and Hungerford Road area 
  • Chelsea Road and Foxcombe Road area 
  • Sion Hill and Summerhill Road area 
  • Entry Hill area
  • Lyme Gardens and Charmouth Road area

The following information is from BANES:

The RPZs and single yellow lines will operate between 8am to 6pm, 7 days a week, not including bank holidays. Double yellow and disabled parking bays operate at all times unless a sign indicates otherwise. Blue badge holders in B&NES can park in any RPZ across the area provided they display their badge. However, the council has also worked closely with residents to maintain Blue Badge advisory bays and plated bays outside homes where required.

Trades, medical and social care as well as businesses can apply for trade and commercial parking permits  in the zones to avoid parking fines.

Residents and visitor permits are digital so people don’t need to display permits in their vehicles. More information on the schemes and applying for permits via MiPermit is available from

The aim of the zones is to reduce pressure on parking where commuter parking is an issue and give priority to residents so they can park near their homes. By reducing the numbers of vehicles coming into the area, they also tackle anti-social driving and parking, including pavement parking, to create a safer, healthier residential environment.    

The zones also support wider council policies that aim to reduce vehicle emissions and congestion and ensure fair consideration and equitable street space is given to those that would prefer to walk, wheel, scoot or cycle short trips.

The five new zones are in the following areas:

  • St John’s Road, St Michael’s Road and Hungerford Road area 
  • Chelsea Road and Foxcombe Road area 
  • Sion Hill and Summerhill Road area 
  • Entry Hill area
  • Lyme Gardens and Charmouth Road area

The larger Walcot, Snow Hill and Claremont Road RPZ and the Oldfield Park and Westmoreland area RPZ will be installed later in the year as their size and complexity is better suited to installation during the summer months. 

Councillor Manda Rigby, cabinet member for Transport, said: “Five zones have been installed and will go live from Monday February 20. I’d like to thank residents for their cooperation and patience during the installation of the zones, which involved temporary road closures and parking suspensions.

“While letters and advice have been sent to residents and businesses in all five areas anyone who wants advice about the scheme in their area can call 01225 394 025 or visit for more information.

“The seven zones were proposed by ward councillors on behalf of their communities followed by extensive consultation.  We heard from many residents that struggled to find parking near their homes, and also from local businesses who were keen to see more dual-use and limited waiting bays available near their shops. We have therefore worked hard to strike a balance between the needs of residents and local businesses.

“We know the zones may have an impact on other areas and again I want to remind people that they can request their own RPZs, via ward councillors, if there is a significant and lasting displacement of vehicles into neighbouring areas as a result of the new zones.”

Residents were initially invited to share their views on the proposals during an informal public consultation in May 2022. There was further opportunity to comment on plans revised in the light of that feedback during a formal consultation in October 2022.

After considering the submissions made, the revised plans included reductions in the size of some of the proposed zones, improvements to signage and road marking proposals, installing more dual-use bays to support local businesses, and additional tailored amends to ensure the proposals work as well as possible for everyone in the community. You can view the consultation output reports online at

Under the new RPZ policy, the annual permit cost can vary depending on your vehicle’s emissions but, as a guide, a permit for an average eight-year-old 1.6L petrol or diesel family car would normally cost in the range of £100 to £125 per year. Permits for smaller, newer cars would typically be less. Residents can also purchase visitor permits regardless of whether they own a permit themselves. 

To help manage the costs of permits, and to ensure that money is not wasted when permits are not required, permits can now be purchased in durations of 1, 3, 6 and 12 months. 

Permits are limited to two permits per property. Properties with one off-street parking space are limited to one permit, and properties with two off-street spaces are not eligible for permits. 

Residents seeking further information, or information in another format such as easy-read, Braille, or in another language, can email to or call an advisor on 01225394025. Those unable to access the internet can visit Bathnes Libraries and Information and Advice Services for support. 

Full information is available at

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