Bath Voice News: Mentoring Plus appeal for runners in the Bath Half Marathon on October 15th

This is from Mentoring Plus in Bath:

Mentoring plus is a Bath based charity who work across BATHNES supporting young people facing significant challenges in their lives. For many young people, difficulties in school, at home or with peers are a daily reality. Children and teens struggling with anxiety, unmet needs or lack of family resources are missing out on education and opportunities. They feel alone and don’t know where to turn.

We’ve been helping children facing these tough challenges for 25 years, our practitioners and volunteer mentors engage with over 250 local young people each year in mentoring programmes, youth clubs and activities designed to help inspire, increase confidence, self-esteem and improve mental health and wellbeing. 

The cost of delivering these services is shooting up, with demand for them at an all-time high, meanwhile our charitable income has been hit hard by both covid restrictions and the rising cost of living.

Run for us in the Bath Half and help us keep providing these vital services for children in our community. You will be making a direct contribution towards helping a young person achieve their full potential.

‘Taking part in the Bath Half Marathon for Mentoring Plus last year was an amazing experience. I’m not the best runner in the world so completing this just filled me with sheer elation. I had the support of Mentoring Plus throughout the training and on the day, it made it so special to be part of it. Knowing I’d raised money to help young people was the icing on the cake!’ Fiona Bishop.

We have a number of charity places left to fill so if you’d like to be part of the team, please contact us for further info at Places cost £47.40p but we do have some concession places available so let us know if you need help with your entry fee.