Bath Voice News: RCN nurses reject pay offer and announce a strike affecting the RUH in Bath

By Harry Mottram: The BBC are reporting that members of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) have by a majority rejected the 5% pay offer for 2023-24 with a one-off lump sum of £1,655 to top up the past year’s salary.

The RCN have organised a 48-hour walkout from 30 April to 2 May which will involve NHS nurses in emergency departments, intensive care, cancer and other wards at the RUH. However members of the Unison union – which includes some nurses and ambulance crews – have accepted the pay offer.

The results of the RCN’s consultation on the revised NHS pay offer for nursing staff in England have been announced: 

  • 61% of eligible members voted  
  • 46% voted to accept the offer  
  • 54% voted to reject the offer  

Inflation is currently at more than 10% meaning that the RCN feel the pay offer is a pay cut.

The Guardian reported that a Government spokesperson said: “The fact that the Royal College of Nursing has announced an escalation in strike action with no derogations, based on a vote from the minority of the nursing workforce, will be hugely concerning for patients. Hundreds of thousands of Agenda for Change staff continue to vote in ballots for other unions over the next two weeks and we hope this generous offer secures their support.”

Pat Cullen, RCN general secretary and chief executive, said: “What has been offered to date is simply not enough.”

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