Bath Voice News: 15-year-old from London charged with the murder of teenager in Southgate

By Harry Mottram: There has been widespread shock in Bath amongst the friends and family of 18-year-old Ben Moncrieff who was murdered in the early hours of Coronation Day (Saturday 6 May) in Southgate Street. The area was cordoned off by police as forensic teams investigated the scene outside McDonalds – closing off the car park, surrounding streets including the bus stops.

Police said a 15-year-old male, from south London, has been remanded to appear before Bristol Magistrates Court today (Monday 8 May). He has been charged with murder of 18-year-old Ben Moncrieff and with the possession of a bladed article.

Ben’s family have been updated of the charging decision and will continue to be supported by specially-trained officers said the police who added that it is extremely important there should be no reporting, commentary or sharing of information online which could in any way prejudice these proceedings.

They said: “We would like to remind the public juvenile defendants are automatically legally entitled to anonymity and it is an offence to publicly name them while reporting restrictions are in place.”

The BBC reported that the emergency services were called to Southgate Street at around 03:30 BST on Saturday where they found a man critically injured. He was confirmed dead at the scene. Bath Voice understands that two other people were detained by police but have since been released in connection to the incident.

Ch Insp Ronnie Lungu, of the Bath Neighbourhood Team said: “Our Major Crime Investigation Team is continuing to progress its inquiries into what happened, reviewing a significant amount of CCTV footage and taking statements from witnesses. An extension has been granted this afternoon to allow us to continue to question the individual we have in custody.”

Emma Elgee of the BBC reported that Ch Insp Lungu said officers’ thoughts were with Mr Moncrieff’s family and asked that their privacy was respected. He added that extra patrols would be carried out in the area to reassure members of the public.

The photo is from the BBC.

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