Bath Voice News: man from the Weston area of the city is jailed for 13 years for rape and arson offences

From Avon and Somerset Police: A 36-year-old man who raped his victim and set fire to her belongings has been jailed for 13 years.

Jamie Hardy, from the Upper Weston area of Bath, was sentenced at Bristol Crown Court on Wednesday 19 July after he was found guilty unanimously of oral rape, two counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, sexual assault and multiple assaults.

Jamie Hardy

He had already pleaded guilty to arson at the start of his trial.

The court heard how Hardy assaulted his victim, torched her belongings and orally raped her.

The victim was left with serious bruising, including two black eyes.

In a personal statement, the victim said she ‘won’t ever be able to articulate’ the level of abuse she suffered.

She said she was ‘constantly reminded’ of what had happened and would actively avoid her family because of her injuries.

Along with his custodial sentence, the judge granted an indefinite restraining order and ordered Hardy to register as a sex offender for life. He was also barred from working with children and vulnerable adults.

Specialist rape investigator, DC Katie Winbow, said: “The bravery of the victim to report these offences should be commended.

“Her courage in coming forward and supporting a prosecution has put a dangerous and abusive man behind bars.

“We hope this sentence will give other victims of this kind of crime the confidence to report it to police so we can conduct a full and thorough investigation.”

Victims of rape or sexual assault, recent or non-recent, can self-refer to The Bridge, a Sexual Assault Referral Centre available 24/7 365 days a year. Visit their website or call 0117 342 6999.

They can also visit for details of charities and organisations who are experts in supporting victims.

Details of how to report to the police are available here: