Bath Voice News: a safe refuge for the vulnerable and those in danger at night in the city is a bus staffed by volunteers

By Harry Mottram: Bath Safe Bus is part of The Bath BID’s Safe and Secure activities to provide a safe space for vulnerable people late at night. They may not require emergency care, but may benefit from a safe space to talk and be listened to, get support or advice or seek first aid.

The project helps reduce anti-social behaviour, violence against women and girls, and other criminal behaviour in the city centre, whilst also supporting the emergency services to reduce calls on A&E and the demand on the Police. It’s in the city centre every Friday and Saturday night from 22:30pm to 04:30am and is there on other busy nights.

Staffed by medical, security and volunteer teams, it also needs more volunteers to keep it operating. Volunteers will work alongside and support medical and security staff.

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