Bath Voice News: Queen Camilla visits Bath to celebrate the 850th anniversary of St John’s Foundation and its vital social work

By Harry Mottram: In is fair to say England was a different country in 1174 when Bath’s St John’s Foundation was founded – compared to that of today. The country was in a midst of a civil war with different factions vying for power. On one side Henry II was hanging on to the throne while his sons and their mum Eleanor of Aquitaine was trying to wrestle the crown and sceptre off him in a violent uprising.

All photos from the Foundation, Voices for Life, the Royal Household and the official photographer of the Abbey

Bath’s Voices For Life performed in the Abbey – a wonderful highlight of the event

Fast Forward to Thursday 1st February, 2024, and a rather more peaceful scene was pictured at Bath Abbey where there was a service of thanksgiving and celebration of the 850 years of the work of St John’s Foundation since it was established in 1174 by the Bishop of Bath. Reginald Fitz Jocelyn set up St John’s Hospital to ‘alleviate poverty and chronic living conditions’ in Bath when he became the bishop of the city. Since those days the charity has continued to emulate Reginald’s founding principles with almshouses (that are somewhat updated from 1174) with 94 homes for individuals and couples above 65 years of age who are already residents of Bath and North East Somerset. Plus, the foundation supports hundreds of primary schools across the area with school meals and help with learning, emotional and behavioural support amongst a range of work – all vital in today’s society despite the changes since the era of Plantagenet England. And their work doesn’t stop there with a range of supporting services – without which society would be a poorer place.

The Queen met the Mayor of Bath Cllr Dine Romero, Cllr Sarah Moore, Bath’s MP Wera Hobhouse, the leader of the Council Kevin Guy, Robert Drewett is the High Sheriff of Somerset and former sheriff Mary Clare Rodwell as well as the leading figures in the emergency and military services

In 1174 Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine, the wife of Henry II, was involved in a family power struggle which saw her arrested for her part in the uprising in contrast to a peaceful and smiling Queen Camilla of today who graced the foundation with her presence for the celebrations. In a post on X formerly known as Twitter St John’s Foundation said: “Today was a truly unforgettable day for us here at St John’s as we had the honour of hosting Her Majesty The Queen at our city centre almshouses. Her Majesty met with 15 of our residents in our Chapel for tea and cake.”

Meeting with residents of the almshouses for tea a cake

Hundreds of people greeted the Queen outside the Abbey where she shook hands with residents and visitors and had her photograph taken on numerous mobile phones. Primary school children lined the streets as she made her way to the celebrations – marking the importance of the impact St John’s Foundation has on the lives of the city’s youngsters, with Robyn, a year 2 from Twerton Infant School and Maison, a year 4 from Castle Primary School presenting her with a posy of spring flowers on what proved to be a dry and partly sunny day.

The queen received a posy from Robyn, a year 2 from Twerton Infant School and Maison, a year 4 from Castle Primary School

The Queen also met the Mayor of Bath Cllr Dine Romera, Deputy Mayor Sarah Moore  Cllr Sarah Moore, Bath’s MP Wera Hobhouse, the leader of the Council Kevin Guy, Robert Drewett is the High Sheriff of Somerset and former sheriff Mary Clare Rodwell as well as the leading figures in the emergency and military services, The Bishop of Bath and Wells Michael Beasley and the staff of the Abbey and of course the foundation’s team members, trustees and its leading figures of David Hobdey, Louise Harvey and Caroline Bee.

One of the many highlights of the day was a performance by 90 children in the Voices of Life choir led by Tessa Armstrong in the Abbey (whose album Extraordinary comes out next week) in what was a spine-tingling moment. Tessa said: “It was an amazing day, I’m so proud of the children and it was a truly unforgettable moment for them all.”

The service in the Abbey was attended by some 500 people

In a statement from the foundation posted online it was noted: “It was an honour to have Her Majesty The Queen join us today to celebrate our 850th anniversary. Her Majesty’s attendance made a very special day even more poignant, and we are so grateful to her for taking the time to meet our residents and join our Service. It’s an incredible achievement to reach 850 years and humbling to think of all the historic events and upheavals that St John’s has survived. We are thankful to everyone who attended to help us mark this occasion.

“Today was a truly unforgettable day for us here at St John’s as we had the honour of hosting Her Majesty The Queen at our city centre almshouses. Her Majesty met with 15 of our residents in our Chapel for tea and cake. Her Majesty’s visit was in commemoration of our 850th anniversary celebration. Her Majesty has graciously served as Patron of St John’s since 2009, and we take immense pride in continuing our vital work with her support.”

To learn more about the work of St John’s Foundation visit:

Members of St John’s Foundation
St John’s Foundation’s Trustees
The leading figures of St John’s Foundation

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Harry Mottram is a freelance journalist. Follow him on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Telegram, TikTok and Mobile: 07789 864769