Dear Sir, I trust your readers will find this news from the Friends of Lyncombe Hill Fields of interest.
Volunteers from Friends of Lyncombe Hill Fields attended the Bear Flat and Widcombe Association Christmas markets in 2023 to increase awareness of what was on offer in the fields, recruit new volunteers, and sell their new calendar.

People seemed to appreciate the calendar (it was sold out) but wanted to know whether there were any greetings cards available. Chris Kinchin-Smith said: “We realized we needed to meet this demand and snapped into action! Scrolling through our archive we decided on eight designs. With the help of Townsend Forbes at Pennybatch Gallery in Wells we have been able to produce a range of greetings cards of which we are really proud. They are a mixture of beautiful views and detailed nature studies of birds, plants and insects. Depending how things go, we are hoping to expand our range for Christmas time”
Readers can order cards on the website and get them through the post or pick them up from the fields on any Sunday morning between 10 and 12. For more details go to their website ( or email

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Harry Mottram is a freelance journalist. Follow him on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Telegram, TikTok and Mobile: 07789 864769