American Museum, Bath. Claverton. American Road Trip. 9 Mar-31, Dec, 2024. Images, sounds and sets allowing you to experience a trip across the USA. Main picture shows a family on the road and is one of many images in the exhibition.

Burdall’s Yard. Art exhibition. Charlotte Moore – Panel Paintings. A series of panel paintings, all with historical references. Formerly resident in Australia, Charlotte Moore has lived in and near Bath for the last 20 years, a member of Bath Society of Artists, over these years she has exhibited in Bath, London, and other open exhibitions. She studied at Chelsea School of Art and Falmouth College of Art. Free. Until February 3, 2024.
Herschel Museum of Astronomy. It is located in a town house at 19 New King Street that was formerly the home of William Herschel and his sister Caroline. In 1977 the William Herschel Society was set up to gather support for the rescue of the building. It was purchased in 1981 with the aid of Doctors Leslie and Elizabeth Hilliard, saving it from demolition. William discovered Uranus whilst residing in the house in March 1781 using a 7 foot telescope designed and built in the attached workshop.

Holburne Museum. The heart of the present day collection was formed by Sir Thomas William Holburne (1793-1874). It was eventually bequeathed to the people of Bath. Current shows include Jann Haworth & Liberty Blake: Work In Progressto 30 April, the art of Lubaina Himid: Lost Threads to April 21 and the art of Gwen John until 14 April.

Museum of Bath at Work. Julian Rd, Bath BA1 2RH. Enter the world of working Bath through a series of authentically reconstructed workplaces, workshops and display galleries. Exhibition: All Day Long: The Workers of Bath in Fifty Portrait Photographs.
Museum of East Asian Art. MEAA’s collections consist of some 2,000 objects. The majority of these are of Chinese origin, spanning from 5,000 BC to the present.

Victoria Art Gallery. Exhibitions include Catherine Ducker: Emotion in Colour. 9 Jan to 14 April. From Jan 19 to April 14: The Wonderful World of Ladybird Book Artists. This colourful, family-friendly exhibition includes rare books, original artwork and artefacts, and reveals how illustrators played such an enormous role in Ladybird’s extraordinary success. Tracing the interconnected work of these artists, the company’s story is recounted over Ladybird’s ‘golden years’ – 1940 to 1975. Visually rich and varied, the exhibition will evoke many memories of childhood. Hundreds of Ladybird books are available for visitors to browse through and share in our themed retro reading areas. There’s lots for children to enjoy, with a free exhibition ‘I Spy’ trail and a quirky ‘Coco the Caravan’ reading den. Find out more on our Thursday lunchtime tours, 1.30 – 2.00pm every week, free with an exhibition ticket.