Pick of Diary Events in Bath
Mon1-Sun 21 Apr. Bath Comedy Festival. For details visit https://www.bathcomedy.com/
Thu 4 Apr. Green Park Brasserie. Comedian Rosie Holt. 6pm. Spoof politician sometimes mistaken for the real thing.
Sat 6 Apr. Holburne Museum. Classical Concert. Fundraiser by The Friends. Irena Radić plays Rachmaninov.
Sun 7 Apr. Bath Racecourse. Horse racing in the afternoon from 11.40am.
Mon 8 Apr. BRLSI Queen Square. Talk on Benin Bronzes. Join Tony Coverdale of the Saltford Brass Mill Project as he explores the history of the brass trade and its close ties to slavery.7.30pm.
Tue 9 Apr. Bath City Centre Youth Space 28 Southgate St. Sound Crafter. For young people 11-19 (yr7+ and up to 25 if additional needs). Sound Crafter is a space to begin to explore making music, no experience necessary. 4-6pm.
Wed 10 Apr. Bath City Centre Youth Space 28 Southgate St. Galdem is a space for empowering, supporting and enabling young women. 4-6pm.
Wed 10 Apr. Widcombe Wayfarers Walking Wednesdays. We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of every month, starting at 10am at the west end of Widcombe Parade. Walks last between 1-2 hours and are medium paced. Come dressed for the weather, with suitable footwear and be prepared for a few climbs.
Thu 11 Apr. Forum. Aftermirth. Daytime comedy for new parents. 10.30am.
Sat 13 Apr. Sydney Gardens. Bird Workshop with Lucy Starling. Learn how to identify birdsong in the park at Sydney Gardens. Bring a notepad and pen. Children under 16 free (max 2 per ticket holder). Includes refreshments.9.30-11.30am.
Sat 13 Apr. Widcombe Social Club. Spring Quiz. 7.15pm. Join in for a not-too-serious but sometimes challenging quiz with various general knowledge, picture and music rounds. There will be prizes!
Tue 16 Apr. American Museum. Brilliant Beasties with Sally Warhurst in a monthly session for pre-schoolers and their parents with singing, rhyming, storytelling and making, while learning all about the Brilliant Beasties, our animal friends.
Wed 17 Apr. Chapel Arts. Folk music with Daoriri Farrell. 8pm.
Fri 19 Apr. Bath Abbey. London Concertante with Vivaldi’s Four Seasons by Candlelight and The Lark Ascending classical concert. 7.30pm.
Fri 19 Apr. Bath Cricket Club. Pre-season party from 6pm. The club will also be joined by a food pop-up and Canned Wine Co, who will be looking to reveal their range that will be stocked behind the bar during the 2024 season.
Sat 20 Apr. Avon Street. Funeral For nature. A family-friendly Extinction Rebellion event with Red Rebelgroup. Take part in one of the most powerful and ambitious street theatre pieces yet to be enacted on behalf of biodiversity loss. See coderedfornature.uk
Sat 20 Apr. Burdall’s Yard. Battle of the Bands Final. 7pm. Three bands battle it out for cash prize and a slot at Party In the City.
Sun 21 Apr. American Museum and Gardens. Jazz concert. The John Martin Quartet presents Reconstruction with John Martin, saxophones, John Law, piano, Henrik Jensen, bass and Dave Smith, drums. 4.20pm.
Sun 21 Apr. Komedia. Aquapella. Bath’s renowned a cappella group returns to Komedia for another spectacular night of vocal music. 7.30pm.
Sun 21 Apr. Jewish Cemetery. Open Day. Free. 11am-4pm. About 100 people from Bath’s 18th and 19th century Jewish community are thought to be buried in this peaceful semi-secret place behind high walls. Combe Down on Bradford Rd by the roundabout entrance to Mulberry Park, 1 Greendown Place BA2 5DD.
Wed 24-Sat 27 Apr. Mission Theatre. Old Time Music Hall. With Bath G&S. Includes classics such as “My Old Man”, “Daisy, Daisy”, and “Any Old Iron.” 7.30pm and a Saturday matinee.
Sun 28 Apr. Green Park Station. Bath Vintage and Antiques Market. All day.
Thu 2 May. Toppings Book Shop. Tiny Tales Picture Book Reading. 9.30am. Tiny Tales is for children aged 2 to 5 years-old. They will have stories, colouring-in, and silly games as well as juice and biscuits for 45 minutes of fun. It’s free of charge, but we would appreciate it if you could sign up to help them estimate numbers.
Thu 2 May. House of St John’s. Bath Girls Business Club. 6.30pm. Tickets on Eventbrite.
Mon 6 May. Bath Racecourse. Family Fun Day. From 12.20pm. Funfair Face Painting Bouncy Castle Entertainers.
Wed 15 May. Jewish Burial Ground Combe Down Guided walk. 6pm. Email info@bathjewishburialground.org to book.
Fri 17-Sun 26 May. The Bath Festival. Various venues and a long list of events celebrating books and music. See their website for details.
Sat 13 July. Bath Carnival. Take part or watch and enjoy the hundreds of people in the city’s big parade.
Pick of Diary Events out of Bath
Bath Voice News: pick of What’s On in April and beyond