Bath Voice News: letter to the editor on the status of the Combe Down Allotments as a designated as Local Green Space as consultation on the future of the allotments closes on April 6th

Dear Sir: Almost all allotments (including those in private ownership) within Bath are already designated as Local Green Space. A previous nomination in 2015 by the Bath Allotment Association to designate the Combe Down Allotments as a Local Green Space (LGS) was accepted, so there can be no “in-principle” reason why Combe Down Allotments should not be so designated. However, the 2015 LGS nomination for the site was removed from the Place Making Plan at the last minute. The Council stated that there had been an oversight, and gave the reason that there would be a conflict between LGS status and the Minerals safeguarding policies which also covered the site. This was a hasty decision and no in-depth examination was made at that point.

A second LGS nomination was made by the Allotment Association as part of the New Local Plan June 2024 consultation. It is also recommended to be turned down, for the same reason. The consultation also states that as the matter has been subject to full examination, the Council does not intend to revisit the issue. The Bath Allotment Association contends that no such full examination ever occurred. It is in the interests of fairness, that the nomination should be fully examined in this round of designations and this is where you can help.

YOU can register your responses/comments to THE REJECTION OF THE DESIGNATION COMBE DOWN ALLOTMENTS AS A LOCAL GREEN SPACE on the New Local Plan Options Consultation. This consultation is not like a petition -the number of responses is LESS important than what they say. Consultation closes 5pm, 8 April, 2024. Go to

Yours, from the Committee to Save the Allotments

The Save Combe Down Allotments has a FaceBook site for more information.