Bath Voice News: man jailed for Batheaston shop knifepoint robbery and threatening staff

From the Police: A man has been jailed for six years and eight months for the knifepoint robbery of a shop in Batheaston.

Ian Gant, 48, of no fixed address, threatened a member of staff at the shop in High Street with a large kitchen knife before stealing cash from the shop’s tills on Monday 19 February.

Gant was sentenced at Bristol Crown Court today (23 April) having pleaded guilty to robbery and possession of a bladed article last month.

A custody image of Ian Gant - a white, clean-shaven and balding man wearing a grey t-shirt

He was identified through CCTV enquiries and witness statements before being arrested by police in Wales.

In a victim personal statement, which was read out in court, the victim said the incident has had a long-term impact on her.

“This incident has changed who I am, from my whole personality to my feelings of security and even to little things such as not caring what I look like and feeling like I can’t wear nice clothes,” her statement said. “I feel like I am not the same person anymore.”

DC James Robinson said: “No one should have to endure such a terrifying ordeal and I’d like to praise the bravery of the victim in coming forward.

“This sentence has taken a dangerous individual, who was willing to use a weapon and force to obtain what he wanted, off the streets. He was identified quickly through our enquiries and arrested shortly after.

“It also reflects the magnitude of the offence and shows that those who commit crime involving knives and extreme levels of fear will receive a significant punishment for doing so.”