Bath Voice News: Lyncombe Hill Fields gains new paths as the volunteers continue to improve their ‘wild hilltop paradise’

By Harry Mottram: The fields on the steep slopes above Widcombe under the shadow of Alexandra Park have slowly been transformed over the two years by the Friends of the fields.

New forests have appeared, brambles cleared, wild flowers planted and more paths laid out with more added last month as volunteers worked hard to lay gravel to allow locals to explore the former pasture lands. are appearing.

Visitors will have seen hazel catkins, like yellow lambs’ tails, are lengthening and shedding masses of pollen; the male pollen hopes to alight on the tiny red female flowers, which look like tiny sea anemones.


Join up as a volunteer. No previous experience is required, it’s great exercise and very sociable! We typically meet on Wednesdays and Sundays 10:00-12:00. If you or any family or friends are interested in getting involved, please contact us at

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