Labour confirms Claire as candidate for FABS

Labour has chosen its candidate to fight the next general Election in Filton and Bradley Stoke.

Claire Hazelgrove is a Bristol-based community and political engagement director for a ‘social good’ company, was confirmed as the candidate and said that while it ‘won’t be easy’ to win, she says local people are calling for change.

Ms Hazelgrove told Filtonvoice last month that one of her priorities would be housing while also addressing concerns about Houses in Multiple Occupation,

She said: “I’m really grateful to have been selected as our parliamentary candidate by local party members.

“While it won’t be easy to win here for the first time, I’ve been out knocking on doors and listening to hundreds of people here all year long, and they’ve told me they want change.

“Twelve long years of Tory rule, both here and nationally, have left hard working people making impossible choices – between heating their homes and feeding their families. Pensioners aren’t getting that dignity in retirement they deserve, and young people aren’t getting much of a chance at all.

“l will be making the case for a better politics, putting decency, aspiration and local people’s voices at the heart of change. I know we need to work hard here to earn people’s trust, and I will work to do that every day.

Ms Hazelgrove attended the Royal British Legion’s remembrance parade in Staple Hill recently to lay a wreath.

She said: “I’m proud that generations of my family have served in our forces.

“Seeing one of the oldest veterans and a young schoolchild lay a wreath together was an especially poignant moment in Page Park.”