Bath Voice News: Junior Doctors take industrial action at the RUH this week as more workers strike

By Harry Mottram: The RUH have issued details over appointments, hospital visits and emergencies at the hospital as to how they will be affected this week.

From 7am Monday 13th March to 7am Thursday 16th March 2023, junior doctors are taking strike action at a number of NHS trusts, including the RUH. The industrial action is a national dispute between the Government and unions over pay and conditions and is part of wider worker discontent as Ofsted staff, University staff and some civil have also taken strike action today.

The RUH said: “If you have an appointment or procedure booked, please attend unless you hear from us. You do not need to call to check if your appointment is going ahead. We will be in touch with patients directly if we need to rearrange an appointment. Our emergency department remains open 24 hours a day, if you have a life-threatening emergency. Please be aware that, like others across the NHS, our Emergency Department is really busy. We continue to welcome family members and loved ones to visit patients. There are no changes to our visiting arrangements during industrial action so please continue to follow the visiting hours provided by the ward team.”

They added:

  • If you have a minor illness or minor injury, local GP surgeries and pharmacies are open.
  • If you have an urgent medical problem that is not an emergency and aren’t sure what to do, contact 111 first online or by phone – they will provide immediate medical advice and direct you to the best care for your needs.

The doctor’s trade union the British Medical Association (BMA) said they were taking strike action due to an increased workload and a cut in wages by a quarter since 2008.

The BMA said: “A crippling cost-of-living crisis, burnout and well below inflation pay rises risk driving hard working doctors out of their profession at a time when we need them more than ever. To protect the NHS, the Government must engage and address doctors’ concerns. But so far, they have refused to meet with us. This has left doctors with no other option but to vote on whether to take industrial action. If junior doctors are forced out of the NHS because of poor pay and conditions, the services we all rely on to look after our loved ones will suffer.

“The Government continues to refuse to grant full pay restoration. Junior doctors have no option but to take action. BMA Council has endorsed a proposal from the junior doctors committee for an escalated programme of industrial action by junior doctors in England.” 

The photo is from the BMA.

Wider industrial action

Apart from junior doctors other sectors are also on strike with the medics being be joined by airport staff, Ofsted and Amazon workers.

Later this week teachers, bus, train and in London Tube staff will also all also begin action.

Meanwhile, thousands of teachers will walk out of schools on Wednesday as they campaign for increased pay.

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