Bath Voice News: election day – don’t forget to vote and take photo ID with you – plus the death of a candidate means the Paulton vote is postponed

By Harry Mottram: Today (Thursday, May 4th, 2023) there are elections across Bath and North East Somerset for new councillors who will sit in the Guildhall in Bath. It is important to cast your vote and also vital that voters take photo ID with them to the polling station.

There will also be elections for the town and parish councils across the area.

However in Paulton the election to BANES has been postponed due to the death of one of the candidates.

The BBC’s Steve Mellen reported: “Bath and North East Somerset Council (BANES) said voting would not happen in Paulton after the “sad death” of Green Party candidate Tim Morgan. The council said all other ward elections planned for Thursday would go ahead.”

The Green Party group in BANES said in a statement: “Tim was an active campaigner and candidate for the party over the years and his warm smile and kind nature will be missed by those who were fortunate enough to have known him.”

The council said new poll cards would be sent to all eligible voters once a new date had been set – which will be within 35 working days of the original polling date – with information about how to arrange a postal or proxy vote if people cannot attend. Any postal votes that have already been sent in are no longer valid, and postal voters will be sent new paperwork.

All the candidates set to stand remain valid, but nominations for others will reopen for a short period once the new election date has been announced.