Bath Voice Twinning News: members of the Bath-Alkmaar Twinning Association to unveil a new commemorative stone in the city centre

Visitors from Bath’s Dutch twin city of Alkmaar joined the Mayor of Bath and members of the Bath-Alkmaar Twinning Association to unveil a new commemorative stone in the city centre, marking 75 years of the link between the two communities.

The engraved stone, a duplicate of one laid in the Netherlands last year, has been placed in the pavement next to the Alkmaar Garden in the Orange Grove, near the Guildhall.

The stone was formally unveiled by the Mayor, Cllr Rob Appleyard, and the President of the Rotary Club of Alkmaar, Jan Roobeek on 12th May.  The two cities’ Rotary Clubs were instrumental in forging the link between the two cities at the end of the Second World War.