Bath Voice News: the charter trustees are set to swear into office the new mayor Cllr Dine Romero on June 3rd with her daughter as Lady Mayoress

The Charter Trustees (Bath Ward Councillors) are holding their Annual Meeting and Election of Ceremonial Mayor in Bath Abbey on Saturday 3 June at 11.00 am

Councillor Dine Romero will take up Office as the 796th Mayor of Bath.   Her eldest daughter, Dr Isobel Romero-Shaw, will be Mayoress.

Councillor Romero was first elected to Bath & North East Somerset Council in 2003 and has represented Southdown Ward in the City of Bath as a Liberal Democrat for 20 years.  She previously served as Deputy Mayor of the City in 2012/13. 

Councillor Dr Bharat Pankhania will be Deputy Mayor, and his wife Alison will be Deputy Mayoress.  He was elected to Bath & North East Somerset Council in 2019 to represent Combe Down Ward. 

During the Ceremony Mr Andrew Brownsword CBE will be admitted as an Honorary Freeman of the City of Bath, an honour rarely bestowed and for significant achievements.  Mr Brownsword has lived and worked in the City for over 40 years and has accomplished an outstanding contribution as a benefactor to the City, having achieved both national and international success. 

Citizens and visitors are welcome to attend the Ceremony, and are asked to be seated in the Abbey by 10.40 am. 

The Civic Procession to the Abbey will be led by Avon & Somerset Constabulary, the City Sword-Bearer and Mace-Bearers.  The Right Worshipful The Mayor, Dignitaries and visiting Mayors in ceremonial robes, Charter Trustees and Honorary Aldermen will leave the Guildhall at approximately 10.45 am.  Avon Fire & Rescue Service Ceremonial Drill Squad will form a Guard of Honour.  The Procession will return to the Guildhall at approximately 12.15 pm.

During a short interval, whilst civic robes and Collars and Badges of Office are exchanged, musical performances will be given by Bath Strings Academy Quartet and the Zenith Youth Theatre Company. 

Traffic will be stopped for a short time by security at the pedestrian crossing near the Abbey to allow the Procession to make its way down the High Street, and again on its return.