Bus services concerns
I share our residents’ real concerns about the loss of vital, regular local buses in North East Somerset.
They have told me how this is impacting their ability to get to work, to school, to medical appointments and other essential journeys.
Responsibility for public transport now rests with the West of England Combined Authority Mayor. Whilst Bath & North East Somerset Council took hard decisions to increase to £1m the financial levy we pay WECA for bus services, the Metro Mayor has at his disposal a £57m fund, dedicated solely to improving buses.
So, it’s astonishing that he decided not to support and enhance regular services, but instead to bring in an untested, “on-demand” service, Westlink, for the whole of North East Somerset, with no consultation or marketing. Westlink does not currently have the bus or driver capacity to meet demand, despite the lack of public awareness of it.
If B&NES had control over the government bus service improvement funding, we would use it to reinstate lost bus routes instead.
As there is such clear need for these vital bus services, I am working with leaders of neighbouring Councils, and with councillors from across North East Somerset, to encourage the Metro Mayor to reinstate lost services.
Our communities need a properly functioning public transport system, with regular, reliable buses connecting larger towns and villages, particularly in the morning and evening.
In between those times and in smaller places with no public transport, an “on-demand service” might well work.
But without regular, familiar bus services, the new “on-demand” system is not fit for purpose.
We know that using public transport for is great for our mental and physical health, not to mention its environmental benefits.
I am also particularly concerned for rural residents without access to cars. So, it is crucial now that the Metro Mayor listens to reason – please do the right thing!
Sarah Warren
Liberal Democrat Councillor for Bathavon North Ward
Play equipment
We are pleased to confirm a tender has now been awarded to install some fully accessible play equipment and outdoor gym equipment in Pennyquick Park.
As you will see, there will be 3 items of gym equipment and 2 fully accessible pieces of play equipment.
This equipment was funded from a CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) bid that Councillor Sarah Moore submitted and will be installed as soon as possible.
We have also had confirmation that the lighting next to the basketball area will also be repaired.
Twerton Councillors Tim Ball and Sarah Moore
Letters to the editor should be sent to news@bathvoice.co.uk

Bath Voice Monthly Newspaper is distributed free to thousands of homes and some supermarkets – distributed from the first of the month. Harry Mottram is the News Editor
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Harry Mottram is a freelance journalist. Follow him on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Telegram, TikTok and Email:harryfmottram@gmail.com
Website:www.harrymottram.co.uk Mobile: 07789 864769