Bath Voice News: pub popular on match days is set to be converted into a sex bedroom house

By Harry Mottram: The Full Moon pub in Twerton could become a six-bed house under plans submitted to the council reports Local Democracy Reporter John Wimperis
The Full Moon in Twerton dates back to 1872, although the Grade II-listed building is an amalgamation of a terrace which is even older.
Despite being popular on match days and something of an institution in Twerton the pub closed down in 2020 and now plans have been submitted to Bath and North East Somerset Council to turn the vacant premises into a six bed house.
Writing in a planning, design, and access statement submitted with the application for listed building consent, Bath Architect Robert Kann said: “The Full Moon public house has been in intermittent use over the last 30 years, with a series of successive owners attempting to run a successful business from the premises.
“The unfortunate situation is that the decline in the standard of presentation and services at the site has led to a long and slow decline in its value and use as a pub.”
But after six months on the market, with 11 viewings and one offer which did not proceed, it was bought by Lee Clark who now hopes the old pub could become a home.
You can view and comment on the application on the Council website.

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