Bath Voice News People: from Burnley to Bath – meet Ian Halsall

It was a university course on town planning at UWE that brought Ian Halsall to Bath from Burnley. We met up for a brief chat – he’s the councillor for Oldfield Park having won the local election in May. Initially he worked in Swindon for the council but after a break due to Covid he got involved in local politics and stood for election for the Lib Dems. One of his tasks is to champion the continued use of Student Community Wardens who help to educate students into not trashing the streets and as a member of the Council’s Planning Committee he keeps tabs on the ever contentious HMOs – basically houses that are turned into flats. He’d like to join Bath Rugby but with the planning application ongoing he sticks to supporting Burnley FC. Some notes: he has a narrow boat on the Grand Union Canal, is married to James and likes baking.
