Bath Voice News: the extraordinary voices of 100 children in Bath can be heard on the debut album from Voices For Life – the musical project that has pupils in nine schools singing and gaining in confidence

From Voices for Life: Bath-based Voices for Life, a ground breaking initiative aimed at enhancing the lives of children through music, is proud to announce the release of their debut album, “Extraordinary!” by local writers Jools Scott and Sue Curtis. This exceptional project showcases the power of collective individuality, featuring the voices of 100 children, aged 6 to 11, from nine schools across Bath, Northeast Somerset, and Wiltshire.

At a time where children’s well-being faces numerous challenges, Voices for Life addresses the growing concerns about mental health and development by providing a unique blend of singing and well-being activities. The Extraordinary! album is a testament to the transformative impact of music on young minds, fostering confidence and skills that extend beyond the melodies and helping children recognise and celebrate the extraordinary ordinary in all of us.

The initiative responds to a critical need from the negative impact of the pandemic on children’s emotional development. Voices for Life aims to bridge the gap in music education by engaging primary school children in the UK, especially those in disadvantaged areas, where access to sustained music tuition and extracurricular activities is limited.

Album details

  • Title: Extraordinary!
  • Featured age group: 6-11 years old
  • Number of Participants: 100 children from nine schools across Bath, Northeast Somerset and Wiltshire
  • Track list: 6 tracks celebrating the uniqueness of individuality of children
  • Release date: 10am, 9th February 2024
  • Preorder Date: 5th February 2024

The power of young voices

Extraordinary! is a very different album. It is not perfect and deliberately so. It is a celebration of the collective individual. These are not children who sing or rehearse in choirs. These are children who are experiencing the power of their voice for the first time and how it sounds and feels to sing alongside others. In doing so, they are growing in confidence, learning about life, and understanding the joy that music brings to them and others, and the community it creates.

The songs:

  1. Safari: Your imagination can turn a boring old walk in the park into a fun, scary adventure. Learn to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, even when it isn’t there!
  2. Fairy Tale: Friendship isn’t about trying to be like other people, or being attractive, or wearing cool clothes. It’s about loving each other for who you are and being kind and true.
  3. Fernando: Don’t be afraid to stand up to people just because they puff out their chests and look like heroes. Often, they are not as brave as they seem!
  4. Pet and Me: You have invented the power, freedom, and beauty of these creatures, which means that those same qualities are in you.
  5. Let’s Go: The more we help and encourage other people to be the best they can be, the more we help and encourage ourselves.
  6. Extraordinary: Celebrate the fun of all of us being so unique in so many ways!

Voices for Life invites you to experience the magic of “Extraordinary!” and join in celebrating the voices of the future.  The album will be available for preorder starting February 5th, with the official release on February 9th at 10 am.

The Marchioness of Lansdowne said “It really is extraordinary to see the impact that Voices for Life has on the lives of young people, It is not just about singing. It is about the way that singing is learned and the meaning behind the words that creates such confidence and sense of self.” 

Voices for Life believes in a world where all children can make music to promote wellbeing and build sustainable communities. The charity creatively encourages the voices of all children by uniquely integrating singing and wellbeing activities as a means of developing confidence, skills, and capabilities.

Voices for Life gets children singing in groups of 10 to 450 through the delivery of high-quality music, coaching and wellbeing projects and community choirs. Focused on primary school children in the UK, Voices for Life uses these unique music initiatives to bridge the gap between urban, rural, and underserved communities.

Tessa Armstrong, Founder and Executive Director