Bath Voice News: school girls pile on the pressure for the Council to step in and save Combe Down Allotments in a well argued letter

By Harry Mottram: With the campaign to save the allotments in Combe Down moving to a new phase as the Council ponders on their options two school girls from Bath have written a letter pleading for the allotments to be saved.

The Council are considering an application for to make the allotments into a Local Green Space under their Local Plan. This will give the allotments some protection against the belief that the owner of the land wants rid of them so as develop the land.

The consolation has been extended to Tuesday 16th April at 5pm – and the campaigners are asking residents and supporters to respond to the consultation.

For a guide on how to respond see our previous story at

Dear Council, We are writing to say how much we want you to stop any building on the allotments in Combe Down. We are sisters and are aged 13 and 9, and we have been sharing an allotment with our neighbour who lives by herself. We are eco-reps at our school and are always taught that we should buy local produce to stop our carbon footprint being too big. Growing your own vegetables means that it will help this and it will also make us more healthy.

The allotment is also a space that is a good habitat for wildlife and building on this will destroy that and harm the animals and insects. Another issue is people’s mental health. Gardening is very good for people’s mental wellbeing, and taking away many people’s allotments will mean that lots of people can’t get outside as much. This will make people more sad.

Please think about these issues and help to save the planet and keep people healthy by keeping our green space in Combe Down!

Thank you, Isabelle and Louisa Cunningham

Pictured: Isabelle and Louisa talking to Bath MP Wera Hobhouse