Bath Voice News: Police appeal over sexual assault in London Road with CCTV footage

From the Police: We’re asking for the public’s help to identify the man in this video clip as part of an ongoing investigation into a sexual assault in Bath.

A woman in her twenties was walking along London Road, at about 8.45pm on Monday 15 April, when she was approached by a man, who grabbed and kissed her. She managed to push him off and leave the scene.

We’ve examined CCTV as part of our enquiries and now want to trace the man in the footage below. He’s described as being of middle eastern appearance, aged in his twenties or thirties, with short dark hair, and wearing a dark blue, fur-lined, padded jacket.

Investigating officer Paul Childs said: “This intimidating and invasive behaviour is very concerning. It’s important we identify the man in the footage as soon as we can and we’re asking the public to call in with any relevant information.

“We’ll ensure the victim gets access to any support she needs and we’ll be updating her on the progress of our enquiries.”

If you can help, please contact us.

If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5224098114, or complete our online appeals form.