Bath Voice News: teenagers who attended a party in Bath are convicted of the murder of Mikey Roynon last June

By Harry Mottram: It was a murder that shocked everyone in Weston in Bath last year – a 16-year-old boy from Kingswood was stabbed in the neck at a party in Eastfield Avenue. Now the trio of teenagers who were charged with his death have been found guilty of murder and manslaughter.

Writing for BBC Bristol Emma Elgee and Dan Johnson reported today (Thursday, 7 March, 2024): Three teenage boys have been found guilty of killing a 16-year-old with a large zombie knife at a house party. Mikey Roynon, from Kingswood, Bristol, was stabbed in the neck during a row at a house in Bath on 10 June 2023. Jurors found one boy guilty of murder and the other two guilty of manslaughter. The 16-year-olds can not be named for legal reasons. The boy found guilty of murder had admitted stabbing Mikey but said he acted in self-defence. Mikey’s family broke down in tears and hugged each other as verdicts were delivered.”

On the night of the crime around 50 young people were at an address in Eastfield Avenue when shortly after 11pm on Saturday, 10th June, 2023, there were reports that someone had been stabbed. In the confused situation as young people screamed and shouted for help medics were called who attempted to save Mikey’s life, but were unable to be saved him and he died a short time later at the scene. A post-mortem examination was been carried out and confirmed he died from a single stab wound.

The BBC reported that CCTV footage was shown at the trial in Bristol which showed the defendants arriving from a bus journey apparently carrying sharp objects. It appeared from that evidence they had arrived armed but after the stabbing they disposed of their weapons – two of which were recovered by police.

In their report on the trial and BBC said: “A teenager, who was also at the party and gave evidence during the trial, said Mikey told him he thought he was going to die after being stabbed in the neck.During the trial the three defendants chose not to give evidence to the court but gave written statements. Two of the boys, including the one who inflicted the wound, admitted possessing knives but the other boy denied having one. All three denied murder.”

Following the shocking incident friends, families and neighbours held a vigil at the scene with a balloon launch and cards and flowers left near the scene of the stabbing.

Last summer Councillors on Bath and North East Somerset Council’s scrutiny panel on children, adults, health and wellbeing voted unanimously to establish a task force proposed by Mayor of Bath Cllr Dine Romero to investigate knife crime in Bath, with a particular focus on young people, and how prevention measures can be improved.

In November Police carried out a range of both enforcement and engagement activity in a bid to encourage people not to carry knives or get involved in serious violence as part of the national policing week of action, Operation Sceptre.

School visits, weapons sweeps searching undergrowth and public spaces for any discarded or hidden knives and installing new community bleed kits were just some of the actions that took place across the week, resulting in over 160 knives being recovered or seized.

Results included:

  • 59 weapon sweeps recovering two knives
  • 156 knives recovered from 13 weapon surrender bins
  • 14 stop and searches carried out seizing two knives
  • 14 knife-related arrests, seizing four knives
  • 32 community engagement and awareness events
  • 83 school engagements, delivering knife-crime awareness sessions
  • 11 diversion visits to youths identified and linked to carrying knives
  • 36 retailer visits advising of laws and safety around knife sales
  • Three new community bleed kits installed

The police take knife crime seriously and they publish information about the issue on their website:

If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5224011708, or complete our online appeals form.

You can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers 100 per cent anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their Anonymous Online Form.

No personal details are taken, information cannot be traced or recorded and you will not go to court or have to speak to police when contacting Crimestoppers.

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