Bath Voice News: flooding closes the Devonshire Tunnel in the Two Tunnels Greenway path as work continues to reopen it

By Harry Mottram: Sustrans said they are working hard to pump out the Devonshire Tunnel after flood water has closed the tunnel on The Two Tunnels Greenway. The problem appears to be a blocked drain allowing water to build up meaning a long diversion around Lyncombe Vale. However the rest of the Greenway is open.

The Two Tunnels Greenway was fully opened in 2013 after a long campaign to turn the former Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway line into a shared use path connecting Midford to Twerton in Bath

In 2010 a steering group was formed to take the project forward with the operating of the route handed to Sustrans – the cycling charity – who are currently working with the authorities to reopen the tunnel.

For details of the group of volunteers who help to maintain the Greenway visit and the tunnels themselves see

Picture with kind permission from Sustrans.